Project Title: Circuit Breaker (Type B)
Project Type: Analog Prototype
Game Genre: Puzzle/Action
Designed For: Class Project
Year(s) Produced: 2011
Concept Design Document: Design Document Coming Soon
Playable File(s): [None] (tabletop)
Gameplay Description: The player must move their character token through a maze towards an exit. They must avoid enemies while rotating mirrors to redirect a laser beam emitted by a pointer towards a target goal that will allow exit.
My Role(s): Lead Designer, Fabricator
About This Project: An analog prototype designed as an alternative gameplay mode for the Circuit Breaker concept. Mirror gameplay pieces were assembled and painted (the two colors delineating between pieces that can be rotated and those whose orientation is fixed), reusing the character tokens and grid surface produced for Circuit Breaker Type A. Various objects, such as narrow books or blocks, could be placed on the grid to create modular walls with which to create the maze with.
The overall purpose of the prototype was to allow experimentation with different laser beam puzzle ideas, as well as player/enemy character movement/interaction. Furthermore, it allowed for exploring the possibility of advancing the concept into a tabletop incarnation.
The screenshots below do not depict the wall objects. The laser beam is represented by a Photoshopped element, as the actual beam is invisible.