Project Title: Destruct Frequency
Project Type: Digital 2D/3D
Game Genre: Arcade
Designed For: Global Game Jam
Year(s) Produced: 2017

Concept Design Document: Design Document Coming Soon
Playable File(s): Game Jam File (.exe, 2017)
Gameplay Description: The player must charge their speaker to release sound waves with an intensity equal to (or greater than) the sound waves being fired towards them in order to cancel them out. Careful- charge up too much extra energy and the excess sound wave energy will bounce back at you!

My Role(s): Lead Designer, 2D Artist
About This Project: Designed during the 2017 Global Game Jam under the theme of "waves". The premise I came up with was inspired by the physics concept of destructuive interference, where one sound wave can cancel out another.

Made in Unity, at a jam site that was not open 24-hours (so there was less time to work on this project than the other GGJ projects I've done). As a result, the current playable file does not feature a designed difficulty curve or win condition- it just keeps getting harder until you lose. However, the core gameplay is functional here.

In addition to the game concept and design, I also did the character design & sprites for the monkey-speaker and sound waves.