Project Title: Gravitic
Project Type: 3D Digital Prototype
Game Genre: First Person Shooter
Designed For: Class Project
Year(s) Produced: 2013-Present

Concept Design Document: Design Document Coming Soon
Playable File(s): [none]
Gameplay Description: A split-screen, first person shooter where the player eliminates enemies by shoving them with an energy force into target areas at different heights throughout the level. The player can reverse gravity on either themselves or their enemies to achieve the correct height. The other half of the split-screen is used to simultaneously control an omnidirectional, flying attack drone to stun or weaken enemies.

My Role(s): Lead Designer, Level Designer, Programmer, Artist
About This Project: A class project designed in Unity. the overall gameplay feel was to have something of a volleyball feel with you setting up and spiking your enemies towards the wall targets. The split-screen drone was to add a multitasking (or co-op) quality to the gameplay and open up the possibility for different puzzle types and combat tactics.

Overall level design takes the core "figure 8" flow of the "Facility" level in "GoldenEye 007" and adapts it for use with the gravity-changing mechanic. Aesthetics were to be inspired by (but not directly imitating) the color palette of the original GameBoy.

Due to apparent quirks in Unity at the time, the changes in gravity & rotation, as well as related object collisions, were highly inconsistent (even under controlled testing conditions). As such, I'm reapproaching the project in a way that wouldn't rely on the internal gravity and collision systems as much.