Project Title: If It Please the Gods
Project Type: Digital 3D
Game Genre: Arcade/Resource Collection
Designed For: Global Game Jam
Year(s) Produced: 2016
Concept Design Document: Design Document Coming Soon
Playable File(s): [none]
Gameplay Description: Collect elemental fairies towards a specific goal using a custom controller. The level's gameplay takes place within an area divided into 6 triangular sections, each section with a corresponding triangle button on the controller. Pressing a button captures any fairies in that section and stores them in a specific container for later tabulation.
My Role(s): Lead Designer, Programmer
About This Project: A Unity project designed during the 2016 Global Game Jam under the theme of "ritual". Besides the overall game design and coding, I consulted on the visual design of the custom controller so that it would correlate with the gameplay screen.