Project Title: Eometric
Project Type: Concept Video/3D
Game Genre: First Person Shooter/Construction
Designed For: Class Project
Year(s) Produced: 2016
Concept Design Document: [none, video only]
Playable File(s): [none, video only]
Gameplay Description: Explore a photo-real world in first person using a special lens to reveal a world underneath filled with geometric objects linked to their real world counterparts. Use the geomtric blocks you collect there to design and build your own creatures and devices out of those counterparts while fending off geometric hostiles.
My Role(s): Lead Designer, Editor, Animator, Actor
About This Project: This was a class project where we were to create a concept video constructed around screenshot mock-ups for a video game proposal. The assignment wasn't to make the actual game, but rather focus on the marketing design for one. I took the assignment further by fully designing the game details and animating the screenshots.
All the screenshots were created using a combination of Photoshop & Illustrator, while the video was animated & edited entirely in Premiere. Music and sound effects were sampled from GarageBand and edited in Audacity.