Project Title: The Eye/Oh Conflict
Project Type: Digital 3D
Game Genre: Real Time Strategy/Tower Defense
Designed For: Global Game Jam
Year(s) Produced: 2014
Concept Design Document: Design Document Coming Soon
Playable File(s): [none]
Gameplay Description: Defend and expand your base using two different perspectives to detect enemies only visible in one or the other. Deploy your units and defenses to intercept the attack lines of those enemies.
My Role(s): Lead Designer, UI Designer.
About This Project: A Unity project designed during the 2017 Global Game Jam under the theme of "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are". My idea inspired by this was to use multiple perspectives to reveal specific objects/enemies in an environment, with "we" being the camera view.
Since there was a lengthy delay before my team could start working on the digital project (as Unity had not been installed on the systems we had access to and this took some time to resolve ), I used that time to test aspects in an analog prototype, such as unit deployment rates and unit defensive values. Additionally, I designed the UI graphics. Meanwhile, other members of my team began modeling the units and researching some relevant programming techniques.
However, due to that access delay, the project was unable to be completed as planned before the game jam event concluded. So, while a playable representation of the gameplay is unavailable, images of various components can be found below.